Slovak anti-NGO bill passed the first reading (Zeitgeist 3.)
The bill on foreign-sponsored organisations passed its first reading, the politician and controversial figure of the right-wing scene Štefan Harabin was nominated as a candidate for the Council of the Judiciary and Justice Minister Susko ordered lustration in the...
Slovak politicians introduce law on labelling of NGOs with foreign funding (Zeitgeist 2.)
During March, several attacks on democracy, the rule of law, and civil society occurred once again, perpetrated by the fourth government of Robert Fico. The most shameful was the proposal of a law requiring civil society organizations to label themselves as...
Zeitgeist No.1 (english newsletter)
The political situation in Slovakia has changed dramatically. Since the parliamentary elections in September 2023 and the formation of the new government consisting of two social-democratic parties, SMER-SSD, HLAS-SD, and nationalist party SNS, the institutions...
The Law on the protection of law and environment: MŽP proposes a reform without having the negotiations on massive scrutiny finished, supported by 30 000
The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic has announced on Friday that it sends the government the amendment to the Act on the protection of nature and countryside. A vital step for better protection of the environment is that Nature and...
VIA IURIS: The election of constitutional judges – incomprehensible hazard with the protection of citizens’ rights
Members of Parliament failed to select a required number of nominees for judges of the Constitutional Court in the third round. Out of 24 candidates, ten could have been certainly elected, however, MPs have only managed to elect four; Pavol Boroň, Martin...
A collective proposal by VIA IURIS against the limitation of citizens’ rights in the new construction law.
WE THANK ALL 1745 SUPPORTERS OF THE COLLECTIVE PROPOSAL BY VIA IURISWe have prepared a collective proposal to the proposal of the new construction law and the recommendation of the law on land planning.We thank all our supporters that took part in the...