2019 Essay Competition for law students
VIA IURIS is organising the second year of an essay competition for law students.
Theme of this year: Problems and challenges of the rule of law in Slovakia.
The essay deadline is 28 April 2019.
Conditions of the competition:
- an original essay in the length of 800 words (introduction, body and conclusion), which by arguments and evidence (examples, statistics, credible sources) defends the author’s own opinion
- the author is a Slovak student / student of the Faculty of Law (either a Slovak or a foreign university) enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program and the author agrees, by submitting the essay, with the processing of personal data and, in the case of winning, with the publication of the essay
For more information on the terms and conditions of the competition, please refer to the statute of the competition.
Submission of the essay:
the signed essay in pdf format must be sent to sutaz@viaiuris.sk
1st price: a reward of 500 €, an annual subscription to DenníkN, two tickets to POHODA Festival
2nd price: a reward of 200 €, an annual subscription to DenníkN
3rd price: an annual subscription to DenníkN
NOTE: Winners’ prizes are subject to taxation and levies.
The organiser reserves the right not to award any of the prices.
The organiser reserves the right to exclude entries offending human race, religious or political beliefs and entries not complying with applicable laws or the ones not fulfilling the criteria mentioned above.
The winning entries will be published, and their authors might be offered an internship at VIA IURIS.
Daniel Šváby, a judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union
Tomáš Němeček, a lawyer and journalist
Lukáš Fila, a lawyer and director of N Press, s.r.o.
Erik Láštic, a teacher of Comenius University
Kristína Babiaková, an attorney-at-law collaborating with VIA IURIS
Partners of the competition: Denník N and POHODA Agency