Nightfrost in Bratislava and the cold comes from Kremlin – Slovak government intensifies the transition to authoritarianism (Zeitgeist 9.)
In Slovakia’s political landscape developments, critical issues pose significant threats to fundamental rights and democratic processes. A controversial proposal concerning limited information has passed through parliament, raising alarms among civil society...
One could not imagine how much harm Fico IV can do (Zeitgeist 8.)
October 2024 was very fertile month for deterioration of democracy in Slovakia. We could observe a wide range of political and social issues in Slovakia, including proposed limitations on freedom of information access, restrictions on civil society organizations...
SLAPP manuál – Ako sa brániť pred zastrašujúcimi žalobami?
Strategické žaloby proti verejnej účasti (angl. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, tzv. SLAPP alebo SLAPP žaloby) je všeobecné označenie pre právne nástroje, ktoré sa používajú šikanóznym spôsobom proti aktívnym jednotlivcom za účelom umlčania ich kritiky...
VIA IURIS získala prestížne nemecké ocenenie
Nemeckí právnici ocenili systematické, dlhoročné úsilie o obranu základných princípov právneho štátu na Slovensku a organizácii VIA IURIS udelili prestížnu JUVE Award 2024. JUVE Awards sú ocenenia pre najlepšie nemecké právnické firmy a právne tímy, ktoré od roku...
Fico IV cover their failures with attacks on the opposition (Zeitgeist 7.)
Fico IV cabinet is pushing forward a financial consolidation plan based on raising taxes through a fast-track legislative process, avoiding public or parliamentary participation. This has caused controversy, especially among populist party supporters who were promised...
Another day, another amendment of the Penal Code (Zeitgeist 6.)
Not so long ago, July and August in Slovakia were known as the "cucumber season". The reason for this title was simple. The most exciting thing happening in public space was a harvest of cucumbers. Since the Fico IV administration has been in power, we had to skip the...